lfilesystem  0.0.1
C++ filesystem library
limes::files::Directory Class Referencefinal

This class represents a directory on the filesystem. More...

#include <lfilesystem_Directory.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for limes::files::Directory:


struct  Iterator
 An iterator class that allows iterating a directory like a standard C++ container. More...

Public Types


Typedefs for callbacks used by the functions that iterate through this directory's children.

using FileCallback = std::function< void(const File &)>
 A callback for File objects. More...
using DirectoryCallback = std::function< void(const Directory &)>
 A callback for Directory objects. More...
using SymLinkCallback = std::function< void(const SymLink &)>
 A callback for SymLink objects. More...
using FilesystemEntryCallback = std::function< void(const FilesystemEntry &)>
 A callback for FilesystemEntry objects. More...
- Public Types inherited from limes::files::FilesystemEntry
using PermOptions = std::filesystem::perm_options
 Options bitfield for setting permissions. More...
using CopyOptions = std::filesystem::copy_options
 Options bitfield for copying. More...
using Time = std::filesystem::file_time_type
 A time point used for filesystem time. More...

Public Member Functions

 Directory (const Directory &)=default
 Directory (Directory &&)=default
Iterator begin () const
 Returns an iterator to the first entry in this directory. More...
bool createIfDoesntExist () const noexcept final
 Creates the directory this object refers to, if it doesn't already exist. More...
Iterator end () const
 Returns an iterator to the last entry in this directory. More...
 FilesystemEntry ()=default
 Creates a FilesystemEntry with an empty path. More...
 FilesystemEntry (const FilesystemEntry &)=default
 FilesystemEntry (const Path &pathToUse)
 Creates a FilesystemEntry referring to the specified path. More...
 FilesystemEntry (FilesystemEntry &&)=default
Path getRelativePath (const Path &inputPath) const
 Returns the input path made relative to this directory's path. More...
Directoryoperator= (const Directory &)=default
Directoryoperator= (Directory &&)=default
Directoryoperator= (const Path &newPath)
 Assigns this object to refer to a new path. More...
Directoryoperator= (const std::string_view &newPath)
 Assigns this object to refer to a new path. More...
Filesystem queries
bool contains (const FilesystemEntry &entry, std::size_t depthLimit=50) const
 Returns true if this directory contains the passed FilesystemEntry. More...
bool contains (const std::string_view &childName) const
 Returns true if this directory contains a child with the specified name. More...
bool isEmpty () const
 Returns true if this directory contains no children. More...
std::uintmax_t sizeInBytes () const final
 Returns the size of this directory, calculated as the cumulative size of all of this directory's contents, including all subdirectories recursively. More...
bool isDirectory () const noexcept final
 Returns true if this directory contains the passed FilesystemEntry. More...
bool isFile () const noexcept final
 Returns true if this directory contains the passed FilesystemEntry. More...
bool isSymLink () const noexcept final
 Returns true if this directory contains the passed FilesystemEntry. More...
Child files
File getChildFile (const std::string_view &filename, bool createIfNeeded=false) const
 Returns a File object representing a file in this directory with the specified name. More...
std::vector< FilegetChildFiles (bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Returns all child files that exist in this directory. More...
void iterateFiles (FileCallback &&callback, bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Calls a function for each child file that exists in this directory. More...
Child subdirectories
bool containsSubdirectories () const
 Returns true if this directory contains at least one subdirectory. More...
Directory getChildDirectory (const std::string_view &subdirectoryName, bool createIfNeeded=false) const
 Returns a Directory object that represents a subdirectory of this one with the specified name. More...
std::vector< DirectorygetChildDirectories (bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Returns all child directories that exist in this directory. More...
void iterateDirectories (DirectoryCallback &&callback, bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Calls a function for each child directory that exists in this directory. More...
SymLink createChildSymLink (const std::string_view &symLinkName, const FilesystemEntry &symLinkTarget) const
 Child symbolic links. More...
std::vector< SymLinkgetChildSymLinks (bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Returns all child symbolic links that exist in this directory. More...
void iterateSymLinks (SymLinkCallback &&callback, bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Calls a function for each child symbolic link that exists in this directory. More...
Other children functions
FilesystemEntry getChild (const std::string_view &childName, bool createIfNeeded=false) const
 Returns a type-erased FilesystemEntry representing a filesystem object in this directory with the specified name. More...
std::vector< FilesystemEntrygetAllChildren (bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Returns all child filesystem entries that exist in this directory. More...
void iterateAllChildren (FileCallback &&fileCallback, DirectoryCallback &&directoryCallback, SymLinkCallback &&symLinkCallback, bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Iterates through all child objects of this directory, calling different callbacks for each object depending on if it is a file, directory, or symbolic link. More...
void iterateAllChildren (FilesystemEntryCallback &&callback, bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
 Iterates through all child objects of this directory, calling a single type-erased callback for each one. More...
The current working directory
bool setAsWorkingDirectory () const
 Sets this directory as the current working directory. More...
bool isCurrentWorkingDirectory () const
 Returns true if this directory is the system's current working directory. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from limes::files::FilesystemEntry
 FilesystemEntry (const FilesystemEntry &)=default
 FilesystemEntry (FilesystemEntry &&)=default
virtual ~FilesystemEntry ()=default
 Destructor. More...
bool copyFrom (const FilesystemEntry &source, CopyOptions options=CopyOptions::update_existing) const noexcept
bool copyFrom (const Path &source, CopyOptions options=CopyOptions::update_existing) const noexcept
 Overwriting. More...
FilesystemEntryoperator= (const FilesystemEntry &)=default
FilesystemEntryoperator= (FilesystemEntry &&)=default
bool revealToUserInFileBrowser () const
 Uses the system's native file browser to display this file to the user. More...
 FilesystemEntry ()=default
 Creates a FilesystemEntry with an empty path. More...
 FilesystemEntry (const Path &pathToUse)
 Creates a FilesystemEntry referring to the specified path. More...
FilesystemEntryoperator= (const Path &newPath)
 Assigns the path this filesystem entry represents. More...
FilesystemEntryoperator= (const std::string_view &newPath)
 Assigns the path this filesystem entry represents. More...
FilesystemEntryassignPath (const Path &newPath) noexcept
 Assigns the path this filesystem entry represents. More...
bool operator== (const FilesystemEntry &other) const noexcept
 Compares this filesystem entry's absolute path with the other one's for equality. More...
bool operator== (const Path &other) const noexcept
 Compares this filesystem entry's absolute path with the other one's for equality. More...
bool operator!= (const FilesystemEntry &other) const noexcept
 Compares this filesystem entry's absolute path with the other one's for equality. More...
bool operator!= (const Path &other) const noexcept
 Compares this filesystem entry's absolute path with the other one's for equality. More...
bool operator< (const FilesystemEntry &other) const noexcept
 Lexicographically compares this filesystem entry's absolute path with another path. More...
bool operator> (const FilesystemEntry &other) const noexcept
 Lexicographically compares this filesystem entry's absolute path with another path. More...
bool operator< (const Path &other) const noexcept
 Lexicographically compares this filesystem entry's absolute path with another path. More...
bool operator> (const Path &other) const noexcept
 Lexicographically compares this filesystem entry's absolute path with another path. More...
FilesystemEntry operator/ (const std::string_view &subpathName) const
 Returns a new FilesystemEntry referring to a subpath of this one. More...
FilesystemEntryoperator/= (const std::string_view &subpathName)
 Assigns this object's path to a subpath of the current path. More...
FilesystemEntrychangeName (const std::string_view &newName)
 Changes the last section of the path (the filename). More...
bool makeAbsoluteRelativeTo (const Path &basePath) noexcept
 If the path this object holds is already absolute, this function does nothing and returns false. More...
bool makeAbsoluteRelativeToCWD () noexcept
 Similar to makeAbsoluteRelativeTo(), but uses the current working directory as the base path. More...
Path getPath (bool makePreferred=false) const noexcept
 Returns the current path held by this object. More...
Path getAbsolutePath (bool makePreferred=false) const noexcept
 Returns the full, absolute path of this filesystem entry. More...
 operator Path () const noexcept
 Converts this filesystem entry to the path it holds. More...
std::string getName () const noexcept
 Returns the last section of the path (the filename). More...
Directory getDirectory () const
 Returns the directory containing this filesystem entry. More...
Directory getParentDirectory () const
 Returns the parent directory of this filesystem entry. More...
bool isBelow (const Directory &directory, std::size_t depthLimit=50) const
 Returns true if this filesystem entry is in a subdirectory of the given directory – ie, if that directory is a parent or grandparent of this filepath. More...
bool isAbsolutePath () const noexcept
 Returns true if the path this object holds is an absolute path. More...
bool isRelativePath () const noexcept
 Returns true if the path this object holds is a relative path. More...
bool isValid () const noexcept
 Returns true if this object holds a valid filesystem path. More...
bool isHidden () const
 Returns true if this path is a hidden file or directory. More...
FilesystemEntry getSibling (const std::string_view &siblingName) const
 Returns a filesystem entry with the given name in the same directory as this one. More...
bool exists () const noexcept
 Returns true if the filesystem object this object refers to exists on disk. More...
 operator bool () const noexcept
 Returns true if this filesystem object exists. More...
Time getLastModificationTime () const noexcept
 Returns the last modification time of the filesystem entry. More...
std::optional< VolumegetVolume () const noexcept
 Returns a Volume object representing the logical filesystem volume that this object exists on. More...
std::optional< FilegetFileObject () const noexcept
 If this object refers to a file, constructs a File object referring to the same file. More...
std::optional< DirectorygetDirectoryObject () const noexcept
 If this object refers to a directory, constructs a Directory object referring to the same directory. More...
std::optional< SymLinkgetSymLinkObject () const noexcept
 If this object refers to a symbolic link, constructs a SymLink object referring to the same link. More...
bool deleteIfExists () const noexcept
 Deletes the filesystem entry this object refers to, if it exists. More...
bool moveToTrash () noexcept
 Attempts to move this filesystem object to the system's trash folder. More...
void touch () const
 If the filesystem entry this object refers do doesn't exist, this function creates it. More...
bool touch_noCreate () const
 The same as touch() , except this function does not create the filesystem entry if it didn't already exist. More...
bool rename (const Path &newPath) noexcept
 Renames this filesystem object to a new path. More...
bool setPermissions (FSPerms permissions, PermOptions options=PermOptions::replace) const noexcept
 Sets the permissions for the filesystem entry. More...
Permissions getPermissions () const
 Returns the current permissions of the filesystem entry this object refers to. More...
bool copyTo (const Path &dest, CopyOptions options=CopyOptions::update_existing) const noexcept
 Creates a copy of this filesystem entry at a new location on disk. More...
bool copyTo (const FilesystemEntry &dest, CopyOptions options=CopyOptions::update_existing) const noexcept
 Creates a copy of this filesystem entry at a new location on disk. More...
std::optional< FilesystemEntrycopyToDirectory (const Path &destDirectory, CopyOptions options=CopyOptions::update_existing) const noexcept
 Creates a copy of this filesystem object, with the same filename, in a different directory. More...

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

This class represents a directory on the filesystem.

This class provides a high-level API for treating directories almost like containers, with methods for iterating over its children.

For example, this code prints all filenames present in a directory and all its subdirectories:

const limes::files::Directory dir { "/my/directory" };
dir.iterateFiles ([](const limes::files::File& f){ std::cout << f.getFilename() });
This class represents a directory on the filesystem.
void iterateFiles(FileCallback &&callback, bool recurse=true, bool includeHiddenFiles=true) const
Calls a function for each child file that exists in this directory.
This class represents a file on the filesystem.
std::string getFilename(bool includeExtension=false) const
Returns this file's filename.

Definition at line 53 of file lfilesystem_Directory.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DirectoryCallback

using limes::files::Directory::DirectoryCallback = std::function<void (const Directory&)>

A callback for Directory objects.

Definition at line 73 of file lfilesystem_Directory.h.

◆ FileCallback

using limes::files::Directory::FileCallback = std::function<void (const File&)>

A callback for File objects.

Definition at line 70 of file lfilesystem_Directory.h.

◆ FilesystemEntryCallback

A callback for FilesystemEntry objects.

Definition at line 79 of file lfilesystem_Directory.h.

◆ SymLinkCallback

using limes::files::Directory::SymLinkCallback = std::function<void (const SymLink&)>

A callback for SymLink objects.

Definition at line 76 of file lfilesystem_Directory.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

Iterator limes::files::Directory::begin ( ) const

Returns an iterator to the first entry in this directory.

◆ contains() [1/2]

bool limes::files::Directory::contains ( const FilesystemEntry entry,
std::size_t  depthLimit = 50 
) const

Returns true if this directory contains the passed FilesystemEntry.

depthLimitSpecifies the number of parent paths of the entry that will be checked for equivalence to this directory . Setting this to 1 will only allow this function to return true if this is the immediate parent directory of entry ; 2 would return true this is the entry's directory or that directory's parent directory, etc.
See also

◆ contains() [2/2]

bool limes::files::Directory::contains ( const std::string_view &  childName) const

Returns true if this directory contains a child with the specified name.

This function is not recursive; this only searches this directory's immediate children for a matching filename.

◆ containsSubdirectories()

bool limes::files::Directory::containsSubdirectories ( ) const

Returns true if this directory contains at least one subdirectory.

◆ createChildSymLink()

SymLink limes::files::Directory::createChildSymLink ( const std::string_view &  symLinkName,
const FilesystemEntry symLinkTarget 
) const

Child symbolic links.

Returns a SymLink object that represents a symbolic link in the current directory with the specified name. Note that this function always creates the symbolic link if it doesn't exist.

std::runtime_errorAn exception will be thrown if creating the symbolic link fails.
See also

◆ createIfDoesntExist()

bool limes::files::Directory::createIfDoesntExist ( ) const

Creates the directory this object refers to, if it doesn't already exist.

True if the directory needed to be created, and was successfully created. False if the directory already existed.

Reimplemented from limes::files::FilesystemEntry.

◆ end()

Iterator limes::files::Directory::end ( ) const

Returns an iterator to the last entry in this directory.

◆ FilesystemEntry() [1/2]


Creates a FilesystemEntry with an empty path.

After creating a FilesystemEntry with this default constructor, calling isValid() on it will return false. You can use the assignPath() function to assign this object to a path after it has been constructed.

◆ FilesystemEntry() [2/2]


Creates a FilesystemEntry referring to the specified path.

pathToUseThe path to this filesystem entry. This can be an absolute or relative path, and it is not an error if the passed path doesn't actually exist on disk. The path will be normalized using the normalizePath() function.

◆ getAllChildren()

std::vector<FilesystemEntry> limes::files::Directory::getAllChildren ( bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Returns all child filesystem entries that exist in this directory.

See also
iterateAllChildren(), getChild()

◆ getChild()

FilesystemEntry limes::files::Directory::getChild ( const std::string_view &  childName,
bool  createIfNeeded = false 
) const

Returns a type-erased FilesystemEntry representing a filesystem object in this directory with the specified name.

See also
getChildFile(), getChildDirectory(), createChildSymLink(), getAllChildren()

◆ getChildDirectories()

std::vector<Directory> limes::files::Directory::getChildDirectories ( bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Returns all child directories that exist in this directory.

See also

◆ getChildDirectory()

Directory limes::files::Directory::getChildDirectory ( const std::string_view &  subdirectoryName,
bool  createIfNeeded = false 
) const

Returns a Directory object that represents a subdirectory of this one with the specified name.

See also

◆ getChildFile()

File limes::files::Directory::getChildFile ( const std::string_view &  filename,
bool  createIfNeeded = false 
) const

Returns a File object representing a file in this directory with the specified name.

See also

◆ getChildFiles()

std::vector<File> limes::files::Directory::getChildFiles ( bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Returns all child files that exist in this directory.

See also

◆ getChildSymLinks()

std::vector<SymLink> limes::files::Directory::getChildSymLinks ( bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Returns all child symbolic links that exist in this directory.

See also

◆ getRelativePath()

Path limes::files::Directory::getRelativePath ( const Path inputPath) const

Returns the input path made relative to this directory's path.

For example:

const limes::files::Directory dir { "/path/to/a/directory" };
const auto path = dir.getRelativePath ("/path/to/a/directory/with/nested/subdirs/and/filename.txt");
assert (path == "with/nested/subdirs/and/filename.txt");
Path getRelativePath(const Path &inputPath) const
Returns the input path made relative to this directory's path.

◆ isCurrentWorkingDirectory()

bool limes::files::Directory::isCurrentWorkingDirectory ( ) const

Returns true if this directory is the system's current working directory.

See also
setAsWorkingDirectory(), dirs::cwd()

◆ isDirectory()

bool limes::files::Directory::isDirectory ( ) const

Returns true if this directory contains the passed FilesystemEntry.

depthLimitSpecifies the number of parent paths of the entry that will be checked for equivalence to this directory . Setting this to 1 will only allow this function to return true if this is the immediate parent directory of entry ; 2 would return true this is the entry's directory or that directory's parent directory, etc.
See also

Reimplemented from limes::files::FilesystemEntry.

◆ isEmpty()

bool limes::files::Directory::isEmpty ( ) const

Returns true if this directory contains no children.

◆ isFile()

bool limes::files::Directory::isFile ( ) const

Returns true if this directory contains the passed FilesystemEntry.

depthLimitSpecifies the number of parent paths of the entry that will be checked for equivalence to this directory . Setting this to 1 will only allow this function to return true if this is the immediate parent directory of entry ; 2 would return true this is the entry's directory or that directory's parent directory, etc.
See also

Reimplemented from limes::files::FilesystemEntry.

◆ isSymLink()

bool limes::files::Directory::isSymLink ( ) const

Returns true if this directory contains the passed FilesystemEntry.

depthLimitSpecifies the number of parent paths of the entry that will be checked for equivalence to this directory . Setting this to 1 will only allow this function to return true if this is the immediate parent directory of entry ; 2 would return true this is the entry's directory or that directory's parent directory, etc.
See also

Reimplemented from limes::files::FilesystemEntry.

◆ iterateAllChildren() [1/2]

void limes::files::Directory::iterateAllChildren ( FileCallback &&  fileCallback,
DirectoryCallback &&  directoryCallback,
SymLinkCallback &&  symLinkCallback,
bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Iterates through all child objects of this directory, calling different callbacks for each object depending on if it is a file, directory, or symbolic link.

It is not an error for any of these callbacks to be nullptr .

See also
test coverage

◆ iterateAllChildren() [2/2]

void limes::files::Directory::iterateAllChildren ( FilesystemEntryCallback &&  callback,
bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Iterates through all child objects of this directory, calling a single type-erased callback for each one.

See also
test coverage

◆ iterateDirectories()

void limes::files::Directory::iterateDirectories ( DirectoryCallback &&  callback,
bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Calls a function for each child directory that exists in this directory.

See also
test coverage

◆ iterateFiles()

void limes::files::Directory::iterateFiles ( FileCallback &&  callback,
bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Calls a function for each child file that exists in this directory.

See also
test coverage

◆ iterateSymLinks()

void limes::files::Directory::iterateSymLinks ( SymLinkCallback &&  callback,
bool  recurse = true,
bool  includeHiddenFiles = true 
) const

Calls a function for each child symbolic link that exists in this directory.

See also
test coverage

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Directory& limes::files::Directory::operator= ( const Path newPath)

Assigns this object to refer to a new path.

test coverage

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Directory& limes::files::Directory::operator= ( const std::string_view &  newPath)

Assigns this object to refer to a new path.

test coverage

◆ setAsWorkingDirectory()

bool limes::files::Directory::setAsWorkingDirectory ( ) const

Sets this directory as the current working directory.

See also
isCurrentWorkingDirectory(), dirs::setCWD()
test coverage

◆ sizeInBytes()

std::uintmax_t limes::files::Directory::sizeInBytes ( ) const

Returns the size of this directory, calculated as the cumulative size of all of this directory's contents, including all subdirectories recursively.

Reimplemented from limes::files::FilesystemEntry.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: